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Mission Impact

With the University of Nebraska at Kearney

Our Purpose

Mission: Provide novel research, technology, training and expertise to improve the U.S. capability to deter, interdict and respond to strategic threats.

NSRI carries the DOD designation of University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) on behalf of the University of Nebraska System. NSRI's designation is sponsored by U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska. NSRI is one of only 15 DOD UARCs in the country. It was established in 2012.

NSRI Fellows

In 2024, four UNK faculty joined the NSRI Fellows program, bringing UNK’s total participants in the program to 10 faculty. 

NSRI Fellows aim to apply their expertise to national security challenges across NSRI's research portfolio. They are nominated by their peers, confirmed by NSRI leadership and endorsed by campus research offices. Fellows have formed eight working groups to create purposeful technical conversations and position expertise to pursue opportunities. They also lead and attend the annual NSRI Fellows Conference to engage with each other, current and former government sponsors and NSRI staff.

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Dr. Chris Exstrom

Why are you interested in supporting national security?

A citizenry cannot thrive when there is uncertainty regarding its safety. There is a wide variety of pathways for research to support national security, including deterrence of outside threats, military personnel safety and energy and infrastructure sustainability. Also, our country has a long tradition of national security related research evolving into applications and benefits for society at large.

Medical Countermeasures

Dr. Terry Thiem, NSRI director for medical countermeasures, presented "Developing Medical Countermeasures for the Warfighter" to more than 100 attendees at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in September 2024. He highlighted that the development of medical countermeasures for the warfighter is often not significantly different than that for the civilian population. Gunshot wounds and traumatic brain injury are examples of areas where medical research is common to both sectors. Operational environments such as chemical, biological and nuclear battlefields, however, are unique to the warfighter and where NSRI is tasked to provide expertise in developing medical countermeasures. He addressed those unique environments and presented current and proposed research to address some of the most difficult medical issues facing the warfighter today.

NSRI Medical CountermeasuresEngage on LinkedIn

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#NSRIFellow Feature: Dr. Krista Forrest
Professor in the department of psychology at the University of Nebraska at Kearney
NSRI's national security R&D portfolio reaches $293M, spans 65 active projects
2024 biennial report highlights critical solutions, strategic partnerships & research capabilities


NSRI director discussing medical countermeasures for the warfighter at next Science Café
UNK News | NSRI director of medical countermeasures Dr. Terry Thiem
Five more UNK faculty members named National Strategic Research Institute Fellows
UNK News | NSRI Fellows Paul Burger, Chris Exstrom, Krista Forrest, Austin Nuxoll & Basheer Qolomany
Julie Shaffer named interim senior vice chancellor
UNK News | NSRI Fellow Julie Shaffer

NSRI At A Glance

Funding icon

$293 Million

Total awards
since 2012

Award Icon


Total contracts and grants
since 2012

PI icon


NU principal investigators leading projects through NSRI since 2012

Projects icon


Current, active projects
contracted through NSRI

Connect With NSRI

As the DOD-designated University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) of U.S. Strategic Command and the University of Nebraska System, the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) delivers solutions for strategic deterrence and CWMD mission requirements gaps. Our rapid-response capabilities and efficient contracting vehicle can help federal government program managers meet critical research and development needs. Connect with us to learn more.

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